What have you done this week to help you achieve your goals?
1. Create a realistic plan to buy a house within the next year. This was a big week in this department. At the beginning of this last week, I was feeling pretty anxious about this plan. Maybe I was getting commitment-phobic, maybe the amount of money we would have to save was overwhelming me, maybe it was the fact that real estate talk sounds like a foreign language to me. But by the end of the week, I was feeling a lot more confident. Dave had a huge trial on Monday, so our paychecks looked a little nicer this week. Additionally, I sold my wedding dress (more on that later). So, the savings are looking better. As far as steps towards actually buying a house, I spoke with a mortgage broker, which was a first for me. I got a lot of questions answered and figured out what steps we need to take next. Then, I educated myself. I've been reading real estate and mortgage sites, lots of home-owning blogs, and I've spent a lot of time on HGTV's frontdoor.com, all of which have made this whole process seem a lot less intimidating.
2. Maintain a minimal level of clutter. I finally got the bedroom all sorted out. The next step is to clean out closets. Ugh.
3. Act like newlyweds in order to feel like newlyweds. We slept in Sunday morning, then watched DVR-ed SNL in bed while we ate some cereal. Not exactly a romantic breakfast in bed, but it involved snuggling and watching Tina Fey's awesome Sarah Palin impression, so I was happy.
4. Make more good meals. I made a really good stuffed chicken breast dish the other day. It was pretty good, pretty easy, and pretty healthy. Post coming soon :)
5. Remember why you're building your family's roots in Atlanta. We went to AUM together! We had a lot of fun going together, and we talked a lot about how cool it is that we get to have such events in this city.
What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
I blogged a lot more. I'm trying to get in the habit of posting regularly, not only for my readers' sake, but because it's such a good creative outlet for me.
What goal are you having the most difficult time with? Do you have a plan to make it better?
I'm struggling with the clutter goal, which is weird because I'm such a neat freak! I think after having so much wedding crap in our apartment, I felt intimidated by the whole project and didn't know where to begin. We've made some serious progress, but there's still a lot more to do. I think the problem is finding the right motivation. Maybe if we're cleaning out in preparation for moving next year? Or if we set a deadline?
What goal are you rocking? Do you plan on keeping up the momentum?
We are doing pretty well with working towards purchasing a house. As far as momentum goes, we're actually planning on slowing it down. I think once you reach a certain point in that process, there's no turning back. In order to reach our goal of February (and no earlier and no later), we need to pace ourselves.
Fun question: What is your favorite board game?
I love Cranium! It's fun to see everyone's different hidden talents. For example, Dave is pretty good at sculptorades. Who knew?
And finally, this week's positive picture!
{by Evan Hampton}
My mom is awesome. She deserves at least a Mother's Week, not just a Mother's Day!
How are your spring goals going?
I have my head buried in the sand when it comes to clutter so you are doing great!
My goals are up and down but mostly going ok!
It's no easy task, huh? Glad to hear that your goals are going ok!
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