What have you done this week to help you achieve your goals?
1. Create a realistic plan to buy a house within the next year. We got our federal tax refunds and PAID OFF OUR LAST WEDDING CREDIT CARD BILL! Yep, the wedding is completely 100% paid for. I'm so grateful that our wedding debt lasted only a month. It wasn't easy to stay that disciplined, and I know we couldn't have pulled it off without living below our means. Now, if only we could make a dent in those student loans...
I recently crunched some numbers and determined that it would be very helpful for me to work 2.5 weekend days every month. Two weekend days puts a good amount in the savings account, but I feel like we could do better. Three weekend days honestly just burns me out. 2.5 it is! I signed up for the next three months as a trial run. Hopefully I'm not spreading myself too thin. Dave has also picked up a few new cases, so hopefully he'll be keeping busy too!
2. Maintain a minimal level of clutter. Dave cleaned out his side of the closet and, best of all, was able to donate LOTS of clothes to goodwill! And by goodwill, I mean they'll go to Grady's Subacute Rehab facility. This is somewhat selfish of me, as it's very hard to treat patients who have no clothes! I suppose I should do the same with my side of the closet.
3. Act like newlyweds in order to feel like newlyweds. We have now been married for an entire month, and we decided that was cause for celebration. We went out on a real date to AMC's Fork & Screen in Buckhead, where we treated ourselves to dinner and a movie. And lots of beer. Please note: AMC gift cards make excellent stocking stuffers, and it's really fun when you forgot you had one leftover from Christmas four months ago.
4. Make more good meals. One of my favorite weekend traditions is going out for Dunkin Donuts. Unfortunately, this has become a weekly event in our household...the iced coffee is just SO GOOD! We resisted the urge this past Sunday and stayed in for omelets with skim cheddar and veggies, served with whole grain cinnamon toast. I figure if we do that three more times, the habit will be broken.
5. Remember why you're building your family's roots in Atlanta. I went out in the Highlands with some friends on Wednesday, then out in Brookhaven with some other friends on Thursday, but nothing better captured my love for Atlanta than my errand-running on Sunday. The Inman Park Festival (an awesome neighborhood crafts fair) was held this past weekend, but since I worked Saturday and had a one-day weekend, I had to skip it in order to get some stuff done. It was an absolutely beautiful day, and I refused to let some errands get in the way of enjoying the weather. I drove around with my windows rolled down, blasting Bob Marley, and I loved every second of it. Also, I went to Paper Source, and I feel like they know me there. Nothing makes you feel more at home than being a "regular" at your favorite local spot.
What did you do this week to make you feel good about yourself?
It sounds silly, but I worked. First of all, I felt accomplished because I knew I was contributing to our house fun. Second of all, I got to work on Trauma over at Main Grady, which is a significant change of pace from the subacute rehab I usually do. I love both settings, and I feel very fortunate to be able to do both. It really allows me to challenge myself and practice my skills among a variety of patients. Plus, I really feel like I make a difference. This past Saturday, I got to see the OB-ICU for the first time. I had never been there before, but I had an order for a pregnant patient who broke a bone in a car accident, so I was faced with a new opportunity. There's never a dull moment, and I love it.
It's May! What were your victories in April? Your challenges?
I feel very victorious with all of these goals. I definitely feel like we're making progress. My biggest challenge is myself. I feel like we should be closer to our goals than we are, but I know that's not true. I just want instant gratification, and it's hard to be patient. I'm learning.
Do you have any plans for the challenge in May?
I definitely want to continue on the same path, but maybe make our house hunting a little more direct and deliberate. First thing on the agenda: meet with a mortgage broker to discuss options.
Fun Question: What is your favorite type of ethic cuisine?
This one is tough for me because I really love trying different types of food. I think I have to go with Thai, followed closely by Indian.
Finally, the positive picture of the week:
{by Baby Aspen / via Totsy}
Remember that friend last week who was SO OVER being pregnant? Well, she gave birth to a 7 pound 6 ounce baby boy on Saturday, April 30. He's beautiful, and their whole family is happy and healthy. Out of respect for the new parents, I didn't want to post a picture of their new addition, but I figured a scrubs-themed onesie would be equally as positive. Did I mention that Mom and Dad both graduate from medical school next week? That is one seriously big month!
How is your May going so far?
Congrats on paying off your last wedding bill!! That's so awesome!
Great work on paying off your last wedding bill - that has to feel great! The omeletees and cinnamon toast sound delicious - I think that would be worth staying home for!
Great accomplishments!
Thanks everyone! We're working on it :)
Scrubs onesie. Adorbs. Congrat's on paying your last wedding bill! I still know people that have been married over a year and are still paying off their wedding. No bueno.
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